1.    What is SVIP?

Once a Kingdom reaches a sufficiently high rank, SVIP will be unlocked for all Lords in that Kingdom. The higher your Kingdom Rank, the higher the SVIP level that will be available to you.

Once a player has reached VIP15 they will be able to use SVIP points to upgrade to SVIP.

Upon reaching SVIP levels players will enjoy the benefits of SVIP status as well as their original VIP benefits.

A player’s SVIP level cannot exceed the maximum SVIP level currently available to them based on their Kingdom Rank.

2.    Getting SVIP Points.

Once a player has reached VIP15 they will be able to use SVIP Point items to increase their SVIP points.

After reaching VIP15 players’ can continue to use their existing VIP items; VIP points will be converted into SVIP points at a ratio of 10:1.

At VIP15 and above players will receive SVIP points upon signing in each day instead of VIP points.

Explanation about unlocking the luxury feature

​1. After upgrading the server level to level 6, it will unlock Deluxe 1, and when you unlock Deluxe 1, you will get additional Prince skill points and other rewards.

2. The Fakher points that you purchased before unlocking the Fakher feature do not disappear, you can use them after unlocking the feature as usual.

3. Also to unlock deluxe2 to deluxe10 there are certain server-level requirements, thanks for your understanding! Hurry up to level up the server with your friends to unlock the deluxe feature and enjoy great rewards

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