

Bounty Packs

1- What is the bag of gold in the game Revenge of Sultans?

The gold bag is a bag in which the prince can put gold inside, and send it as a gift to the other princes in the game, and this shows the generosity of the owner of the gold bag.

2- How do I use the gold bag? When your castle level reaches 20 and above, you can send the bag via kingdom chat or alliance chat. After you send the bag it will appear in the chat, other lords can click on it and get a random number of gold until all the gold inside is received.

When a prince sends a bag of gold to the kingdom chat, the system will send a notification to all the princes in the kingdom, but if he sends it in the alliance chat, the system will send a notification to all members of the alliance.

You can find out the details of receiving gold by clicking on the bag sent by you.

If 24 hours have passed since sending the bag and there is still gold left in the bag, the system will return the remaining gold to the owner of the bag via mail.

Note: Gold purchased in a bag of gold will not be counted in the event of accumulation of consumption and rich achievement

Goodwill Packs

What are Goodwill Packs?

These packs allow you to send Gold to other players in the game as a gesture of goodwill. 

How to send Goodwill Packs?

Preset a certain amount of Gold and select the number of packs the Gold will be dispersed into. Once that is done, you can either send them in the Kingdom Chat or to your Alliance Chat.

The packs will appear chat in the form of a sticker, and other players may tap on the sticker to claim a pack for themselves. The Gold in each bag is randomly assigned until all of the packs are claimed.

When the total amount sent in Packs exceeds 2,000 Gold, a notification will be sent to inform all players in that channel of your generosity.

Tap on your own packs to see how much Gold is left.

If there is Gold remaining after 24 hours, the unclaimed Gold will be returned to you via in-game mail.

How to obtain empty Goodwill Packs?

Empty Goodwill Packs can be obtained as a bonus item from the purchase of certain Event Packs.

You can also participate in a number of events to win empty Goodwill Packs.

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