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Zapier paid

Workflow automation software for everyone. Zapier automates your work across 6000+ app integrations, so you can focus on...


DeepL freemium

DeepL's translator, driven by AI, efficiently bridges language gaps with fast and accurate translations.

Opera One Browser

Opera One Browser free

Opera One Browser revolutionizes web browsing with fluid navigation, AI-based web services, and a versatile modular layo...


Speechify freemium

Best AI text to speech for Chrome, iOS, Android, Mac, & Edge. Speechify is the #1 rated AI text to speech app in its cat...

Amazon Promo Code Finder

Amazon Promo Code Finder free

AI finds free Amazon promo codes up to 95% off!

Notion Ai

Notion Ai freemium

Just ask. Notion AI. Knowledge, answers, ideas. One click away. ... Just ask Q&A, and find the info you need in seconds

Eleven Labs

Eleven Labs freemium

Let your content go beyond text with our realistic AI voices. Generate high-quality spoken audio in any voice, style, an...


Grammarly freemium

Grammarly's AI-powered tool enhances writing style and tone across platforms, guiding users to write confidently beyond...

Adobe Firefly

Adobe Firefly paid

Adobe Firefly empowers creators with AI-generated designs.